Rent: $625/mo
Address: 3104 Woodson Rd, Apt #18
City: Breckenridge Hills
State: MO
ZIP: 63114
Address: 3104 Woodson Rd, Apt #18
City: Breckenridge Hills
State: MO
ZIP: 63114
Utilities included: Gas, electric, water, sewer, and trash
Square Feet: 425 SF
Bedrooms: 0 (Studio)
Bathrooms: 1
Basement: N/A
Square Feet: 425 SF
Bedrooms: 0 (Studio)
Bathrooms: 1
Basement: N/A
Additional Features:
- Gas (Included)
- Electric (Included)
- Water (Included)
- Sewer (Included)
- Trash (Included)
- Fridge/freezer
- Oven/range
- Off-street parking
- Window A/C
- Central Heating
- Smoking allowed
- No laundry on site
- Common areas: patio in front of building by Woodson Road
Lease Type:
- One year
- More than one year
- Pets may be ok (approved on a case-by-case basis) with additional deposit/small additional monthly fee.
Questions? Call 636-364-4111
How to Apply:
- We are no longer accepting applications for this unit.